Monthly Astrology Transits Dec 2017
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Monthly Astrology Transits for December 2017

Astrological Transits December 2017If we had any doubt what Jupiter in Scorpio is about, the confusion would have been cleared by what we saw last month.  Jupiter is going to continue to be busy digging dirt and revealing the misuse of power in personal situations and in the larger world events.  In additon, Pluto in Capricorn with Saturn joining the party will restructure older corrupted hierarchies that no longer serve the intended purpose.  This is also a good time to scan ourselves and make sure that we are using power in the right way. 

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.” —-  Lao Tzu

Transits for 1st Week of  December 2017

Astrea conjunct Juno: The goddess of Justice, Asteroid Astraea stands with her eyes blindfolded holding a scale, which is interestingly the symbol of Libra.  She never gives in until the scales are balanced. This energy especially stressed now with its conjunction with Asteroid Juno, who in mythology was married to Zeus. He was the king of gods, philandered with other women and no one questioned him.  So Juno can become the raging goddess that vindicates when fairness is compromised.  So the issues of reason and justice may play a prominent role in the give and take of all kinds of relationships, whether it be personal or professional.  Questions like “ Am I compromising more to up save this relationship?”, “Is someone being exploited ?”  “Are there power imbalances?” will all be common themes the whole of this month.  This conjunction is taking place in the sign of Capricorn which could mean the need to restructure both personal and professional relationships.

Mercury Retrograde:  As Mercury conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius in the beginning of the month, thoughts get structured and makes it easier to perceive the reality of any situation.  On December 3rd, as Mercury passes Saturn, it also stations to retrograde until December 22nd.  With the blessing from Saturn  this retrograde will be about slowing things down as much as possible to ponder on what is real and what is illusion.  Mercury stations at the last mutable degree, 29 Sag, and one step more is Monthly Astrology Transits Dec 2017the cardinal degree 0 Capricorn where big stuff happens in a big way for all to see.  But Mercury says “Not Yet” and turns back to do its research, only to return on January 11 to the same point with big news.  Meanwhile, you will still get a dose of truth about your financial condition, your relationship, your place in the world, etc.  Added to this, since Jupiter in Scorpio is making a 45 degree aspect to Saturn and Mercury, all the big pile of mess unearthed by the former can be seen with clarity without any cover ups. With Black Moon Lilith close to Saturn and Mercury, what is revealed will be a tad bit dark, and with a square from Chiron in Pisces, it can also be pretty painful. Sometimes time has to slow down to see things for what they are, behind the mask and beneath what is skin deep.  People who have planets conjunct or making aspects to 23 to 29 degree of Sag can be awakened to the harsh reality of a situation.  

Transits for 2nd week of December 2017

Jupiter in conjunction with Vesta is square the nodes:  Any planet squares the nodes will be playing a role in teaching specific life lessons in accordance with the energy of the planet.  So Jupiter in Scorpio is taking the lead teacher role on the subject of Leo (north node) and Aquarius (south node).  This axis is about self vs the group, our immediate interests vs the needs of our extended family, and both are critical for us to survive as an individual or a race.   Hence the lessons could be related to thoughtless over expansion, and how do we draw a reasonable line in taking care of our needs and expression and still be accountable for environment we live. In conjunction with Vesta, Jupiter will unmask your true path and the place in the world where you belong. It shows the excess, extravagance and what needs to be shed in order to focus on your goals with dedication.  Sometime being in the dark reveals the value of light, and similarly one may have to be misled in order to find what fits. If you have planets in the mid fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) you may experience this energy in an intense manner.  Interestingly, Ceres conjunct the north node in Leo will push to let go and share our stage with others , as Ceres had to share her daughter, Persephone with Pluto, in spite of intense grief.  Ceres conjunct north node in Leo is also a call to get in touch with your diva to pamper yourself in small and/or big ways.

BML conjunct Venus:  Black Moon Lilith is a goddess of strong intense emotions and not to taken lightly.  She knows what she wants and takes it without hesitation.  Now together with Venus, she will be infusing love with passion, and motivating you to get in touch with aspects of relationships that you are afraid to tread. This only lasts for a week, so don your wildest mask and get in touch with that temptress!  BML is also squaring Neptune in Pisces, offering you a chance to get in touch with your darker side by escaping into movies or other virtual entertainment.

Transits for 3rd week of December 2017

Mercury conjunct Venus in Sagittarius Trine Uranus conjunct Pallas in Aries :  Mercury Venus is a combination of the wit and diplomacy which creates the opportunity for charm and creative communication.  It is a great time to express your needs to get what you want in order to succeed.  The trine from Uranus conjunct Pallas (the goddess of strategy) offers support through unique and creative intelligence.  So this is the week to build a different reality for yourself,  one that is more in line with what you want.  This will be a pleasant time to party for those who have birthday this week of December. 

Saturn Enters Capricorn in its own sign and will be there from December 19, 2017, to March 21, 2020.  Saturn enters the cardinal degree, the point of connection to masses, with a blast as Jupiter in Scorpio is making a 45 degree aspect to it.  Jupiter in Scorpio, the great investigator is going to place its revelation under the reality light of Saturn with no filters and no masks. If you have planets in the mid fixed sign, then you may be subjected to scrutiny or you may find something of relevance or importance about yourself or others.

A planet in its own sign expresses the energy with clarity without the wishy-washy agenda of being in another’s sign. So what does Saturn want?  It likes to structure, organize, tidy up, focus, come up with a realistic plan, and manifest something concrete. Saturn is very efficient in Capricorn and if you have planets in this sign you probably know what it means to run a tight ship.  To get ready for Saturn transit, look at the area (house) where Saturn in transiting in your chart, and this is where Saturn will push you to eliminate that which you don’t need, remove your illusions and deceptions, repair any leaky holes which is a drain on you, focus on restructuring and re-organizing, and help you build something of value. Of course, this planet is a task master and not an easy pleaser, but Saturn transits are good in the long run if you do your homework diligently.

Transits for 4th week of December 2017

Venus joins Saturn in 0 degree Capricorn and this may bring out any conflicts out to the open and may even cause separations.  Saturn Venus is about drawing boundaries as we know “good fences make good neighbors”. When this structure gets frail and broken, disrespect can creep in and this transit will bring light to these dynamics in order to be mended or removed.  According to Saturn, too much of anything, even love or money needs to be managed efficiently for it to last.

Mars combines with Jupiter in Scorpio and this will give you plenty of energy for physical activities, and in trine with Neptune in Pisces, this can be channeled through dance, yoga, tail chi, and anything that is a combination of the physical with the spiritual and artsy.  So if ever wanted to try out a class or watch a video in any of these physical forms, this is the time to do it.





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