Yods in Astrology
Yod is an astrological aspect that has 2 quincunx (150 degrees) and 1 sextile (60 degrees) forming a narrow triangle. It is also called the “Finger of God”. Quincunx is an aspect between 2 planets that are not quite compatible in any way so the only manner they can work together is by adjusting and accepting. Rationale and left brained kind of thinking does not apply here. So quincunx can be as difficult as a square or easy as a trine. It is hard to navigate it through force or pressure. When you have something in your life, whether it is a relationship or a business that kind of works – sometimes good and sometimes not so good – but cannot be easily steered in any one direction, then it is probably propelled by a quincunx energy. A Yod pattern is a bit more connected than a quincunx as it has a sextile aspect as part of the pattern, and which can facilitate communication and bring in opportunities. The Yod in Astrology can create events, incidents, relationships etc, that occurs in a person’s life not out of their choice but in a karmic manner. These circumstances usually come as an opportunity and eventually turn out to be a blessing or a curse.
A Yod can bestow gifts like a talent or a higher intelligence, bring about an unusual situation or sharp turns in life that cause steep ups and downs. The overlapping factor in all these instances is that the person doesn’t have much control over what can occur and it can be negative or positive. Real or imagined, there is a feeling that another force behind is controlling the show. During these incidents when a person realizes their extraordinary gift, or when one suddenly becomes rich or poor, or when they find themselves in very unusual circumstances, there is usually a transit or progression that triggers the Yod energy, and the planets, sign and area of the chart involved in the Yod and those involved in the transits determines the nature of the outcome.
Yods show up in unusual situations
On October 10, 2014 both Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi were awarded the nobel prize. Both of them have Yods that involve Jupiter and Sun, a combo that usually bestows success and certain kind of protection, and hence were rewarded (without any input from either of them) for their good deeds. Malala has Sun, Jupiter and North Node forming a Yod with Jupiter at the apex and the Satyarthi has Jupiter Sun and Pluto form a Yod with Sun at the apex. With this aspect, fame just came to them for a good reason. They didn’t have to go after it. Given below is the chart of Malala showing her natal Yod (in yellow line)
The unusual circumstances and opportunity, often seen in Yod pattern can be seen in how Malala came to fame. National Geography was looking for a school girl living in specific area of Pakistan – which was troubled by the Taliban – to write a blog about their experience. One girl who previously agreed to write the blog was prohibited by her parents due to fear of retaliation from the Taliban. So Malala’s father, a school teacher asked his daughter to write the blog instead and very shortly it became a huge hit. In October 2012, in retaliation, Malala was shot by the militants and was critically injured. She was given medical treatment in London and survived to tell her story and to speak against the sabotage of women’s education (update from commenter: Malala Yousafzai was actually treated in Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham UK and was given free education after her treatment at a private school in Edgbaston Birmingham). The Yod can create circumstances that take on their own form and shape. In the 90 degree dial below (inner ring is the natal chart, middle ring show the solar arc, and outer ring show the transits), you can see that during the date of the shooting, the natal Jupiter and MC which are part of the Yod are triggered by the Solar Arc Uranus.
James Foley was a photojournalist who reported on war zones. He went missing on November 22, 2012 in Syria. He had gone there to cover the mass rebellion during Gaddafi capture – an opportunity created by the sextile – but was abducted by an islamic militant group. After missing for nearly 2 years, they released a video showing Mr. Foley’s beheading in August 2014, which was apparently done in retaliation to US’s air strikes in Iraq. This definitely accounts for a very exceptionally unfortunate situation where he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up being a victim. James Foley has 3 Yods and was destined for a karmic journey. Read more on the Yod formation in James Foley’s Chart.
Yods can Create Sharp Turns in Life
MC. Hammer, a famous rapper, grew up poor in small crammed up apartment with eight siblings. Then one day when he was 11 yrs old and selling stray baseball and dancing, he was spotted by Oakland A’s team owner Charles Finley who hired him as a clubhouse assistant and he worked for the team from 1973 to 1980. Yods creates opportunities from “being at the right place at the right time” and it sure did for MC. Hammer who began performing very young at various clubs while on the road with the A’s. He made a lot of money through his music career but due to bad investments and extravagant lifestyle, he found himself with $13 million debt and filed for bankruptcy in 1986. People with Yods sometimes experience such drastic ups and downs in life. If you look at MC. Hammer’s chart below, he has a Yod between Sun, Saturn and Pluto (shown in yellow lines). Sun is the ruler of the 2nd house and so it makes sense that transits and progression to the Yod can involve financial changes.
Yods Show Prodigies and Unusual Skills
Elton John started playing the piano at the age of 3, and within a year, he could reproduce complicated pieces of music. He started performing at parties and family gatherings at the age of 7 he took up formal piano lessons. At the age of 11, he won a junior scholarship to the Royal Academic of Music. Neptune is the planet for music and art and in Elton John’s natal chart, it is involved in a Yod pattern between Moon and Mercury. It’s not surprising that Albert Einstein has a Yod too. His Yod formation involves Uranus, Mercury and the North Node. Mercury Uranus combination usually stands for higher intelligence and creativity.
Yods can create frustration
Not everybody who has a Yod goes through extreme situations but there could be certain phases in their life when they feel the touch of an unseen hand (or the finger of god). Sometimes with Yod, since the energies in the quincunx are not compatible, there are parts of oneself that feels not in control. For example let’s look at a person with a Moon in Libra making quincunx to both Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Pisces forming a Yod. The Moon in Libra in 12th has the need to connect in a harmonious manner, but the Mars in Taurus in 7th may want to rough it out with others and since both energies are blind to each other, there is a disconnect which may be expressed as extreme moodiness. The person may be very active but does not know when to stop to give some peace and quiet to the moon or the other hand the person can shut themselves off and not be aware of Mar’s need for some activity. This can even sometimes be expressed as a bi-polar disorder or other kinds of illness, With the second quincunx, the Moon (emotions) in Libra may not understand Jupiter’s more exuberant and over-confident energy. So the planet in the apex of the Yod can feel frustrated in not being able to express its energy. However Yods are in some ways more communicative than a single quincunx aspect because they have 2 planets sextile to each other who are aware of each other and acts as a bridge to connect the 2 quincunx planets. So the person may get better at handling the energy over the years.
My yod is 10th-Saturn, 5th cancer, Jupiter and 5th Aquarius- Neptune Sag pointing to Saturn. Wish I knew what it all meant and have always felt pressure, anger, frustration, stress, worry…
Hello SG – thanks for your comment – yod configurations can be pretty annoying and frustrating because the energy don’t really understand each other. The sextile between Jupiter and Neptune is a bit of help. this sextile can bring spiritual/artistic energy but Saturn in Cancer quincunx both probably limits the expression of the sextile.
My Yod is a moon/ Pluto conjunction in the 8 th in Leo sextile Neptune in Libra conjunction with MC and both Neptune and Pluto inconjunct the Sun in Pisces in the third house. I did meet a killer on the road I am a Social Worker and empathy. What more?
I have a yod – Venus 18 degress in Sagittarius ( 8th/9th house) and Uranus 13 degrees inLibra (6th house), and both pointing to Saturn 15 degrees in Taurus ( 1st house).
I would like to know what it means.
But, concerning relationships… yes, i feel there is something karmic concerning them.
Hello Sylvia- yods can catch us unexpected..because the quincunx aspects don’t really communicate with each other. With Venus sextile Uranus – you enjoy freedom in a relationship. This part of it may be obvious to you, but the area that you may be blind to is that with Saturn Quincunxing both Venus and Uranus, you also have conservative and traditional values in relationships. So the more you are aware of both these aspects, you can make better choices in relationships, find a balance, and choose the right kind of person that may work out for you.
I have this same exact Yod in the same houses! Born 01/26/1971
Hi. I have 4 yods in my chart. Does anyone have any advice or commentary on this? Born 11:10pm (BST), Maldon, Essex (UK), on 15th September 1973…
Moon in Taurus, 11th house(4 deg) inconjunct Neptune in Sagittarius, 6th House (4 deg) and Pluto in Libra, 5th House (3 deg)
Moon in Taurus, 11th house(4 deg) inconjunct Neptune in Sagittarius, 6th House (4 deg) and Mercury in Libra, 5th House (3 deg)
Saturn in Cancer, 1st house (3deg) inconjunct Jupiter in Aquarius, 8th house (2deg) and Neptune in Sagittarius, 6th House (4 deg)
Neptune in Sagittarius, 6th House (4 deg) inconjunct The Moon in Taurus, 11th house (4deg) and Saturn in Cancer, 1st House (3 deg)
I have two yods and can relate to the effects described.
this article definitely eased up some of my anxieties about having a Yod, thank you! But it’s still difficult for me to analyze what my personal Yod means.
my Yod is Jupiter 0 Gemini 4th house – Sun 0 Leo 6th house – Uranus 27 Sagittarius 11th house. There’s two planets on the 5th opposing the apex: Venus 19 Gemini and Chiron 2 Cancer. Also, the apex is conjunct Saturn.
I do experience a lot of restlessness when it comes to “my future” but I have not been able to come up with any “answers” so far.
Thank you for this article ! I have read about all kinds of yods, but I haven’t found anything about yods with MC as apex.
I have a yod with MC on Gemini as apex, Pluto and Venus Scorpio/3 h quincunux it on one side and Saturn and Neptune Capricorn/5 h quincunux it on the other side of the yod. What can you tell me about it ? I am really curious, as this yod involves a lot of planets, including Saturn and Venus.
Hello Carol2456 – With 4 planets and MC as part of your Yod, this configuration is significant for you. When MC is the apex then the energy involved in the sextile create opportunities/situations where you can end up in a particular career, whether your like it or not. Do you feel like things happen around your career where you are kind of pushed into a particular path. For example the Saturn in Capricorn sextile Venus Pluto show someone who values close relationships (and traditional) and your relationships (or responsibility because of them or wanting to be close) may influence your choice of career. Also MC is about parents and other authority figures and so you may experience this energy with your parents. Ps note that with MC involved, the birth timing has to be accurate for this configuration to be working in your life, especially because Yods have small orbs (within deg. usually)
Hi astromana thanks for your reply to carol as I also have MC Aries at the apex. And this is Conjunct SN Aries 10 h. Not to mention eris but she is outside the yod degree. both MC and SN inconjunct < 2degrees to Pluto 2nd house Virgo (Pluto is in 2nd house stellium, and leads a third house stellium) Pluto is sextile to 4th h Neptune in Scorpio. I do experience big career changes which always trigger drastic financial changes and a complete
Loss of knowing who I am and what I am meant to do. These careers begin as amazing magical
Opportunities then become blocked in a way that nothing I can do will change it and I have to come to terms that I am heading in the wrong direction. In the last incident last 4 years I literally felt called to do the public work which help give our indigenous community a presence in our city. through their artwork. What could be better except that it was fraught with conflict all the way through. My nn sits between the sextile and opposite my MC and SN. Th is confused me so much. I would
Love feedback if Possible! I am now 60. No where near able to “retire” financially.
A challenging blessing. I’ve got three and I’ve been in love with a man for almost two years that, in synastry, forms 5 yods to mine. There’s a larger than life connection between us, but we’ve never even kissed and for some “mysterious” reason we can’t seem to ever really get together. For people around me this is incomprehensible and that to me is the unique energy of yods: almost impossible to really grasp if you don’t have any.
It feels like there’s no ready-made solutions available, no easy way out. But underneath all that distress, tension and insecurity there’s definitely a fated feeling, a deep trust that it’s all, in the long run, leading somewhere. That it’s about finding your own unique path and fulfilling your own unique potential, made possible by that highly electric tension of yods.
Noni, very nice explanation of the Yod energy and its fatedness. True that people who have it often find it difficult to handle of it – but the sextile between them activate opportunities , some of them with more concrete manifestation but some (like in you situation) where the reward is more spiritual.
Hello AstroManda – The time of birth is accurate.
The sextiles formed in the Yod configuration with the MC as Apex is the following:
Saturn Cap/5h sextiles Pluto Scorpio/3h
Venus Scorpio/3h sextiles Neptune Cap/5h
Venus conjuncts Pluto
Saturn conjuncts Neptune
MC is in Gemini [same ruler as the AS, 1h is in Virgo] and Mercury is in Libra/2h, conjuncting Mars and Sun conjuncts Mercury.
Mercury also squares Uranus and Saturn in Cap/5h.
Of course, the Sun squares all 3 planets in Cap/5h [Saturn, Uranus, Neptune].
Let me know your thoughts, if you can, I am more interested in this configuration since it also involves the AC… it seems that the career choice is very important to me.
So I have a yod with my Pluto in Scorpio (2nd house) sextile my Uranus in Capricorn (3rd house) both inconjunct my Venus in Cancer (9th house)
I do find I love in a very unconventional way.
Thanks for sharing Viki
I have 3 yods. This is the first article I have ever read that made sense about yods. So first… thank you.. I am a person on a mission and always have been but only the last several years have I had the mission figured out. 51 years old – so that was many years with yods working on me and no place to express their energy. Frustrating? Indeed. Yes.
Here are their configurations (none are more than 2 degrees apart – these are tight aspects except for the 3rd yod as that has 3 degrees for one aspect).
the 1st yod)
pluto conjunct uranus (12H) – inconjunct sun/mars (5H) sextile jupiter (7H) : what is interesting here is that Chiron (6H) is exactly opposite pluto/uranus
the 2nd yod)
Jupiter (7H) inconjunct neptune (2H) sextile sun/mars (5H)
the 3rd yod)
Sun/Mars (5H) inconjunct north node (10H) sextile pluto/uranus (12H)
Mel, thanks for sharing
What should be expected when a transitting planet “sets off” a Yod?
I have a natal yod with the sun (02 Aires 14, 3H) at the apex, a stellium with Neptune (04 Scorpio 13 Rx), the North Node (01 Scorpio 13) and Jupiter (29 Libra 44) in the 10th House forming the “base” sextile with Pluto (00 Virgo 20 Rx) in the 8th house. To complicate matters, Pluto is involved in a “near” Grand Trine with Saturn (25 Sag 34 1H) and the Moon (04 Tau 07 4H). The stellium opposes the Moon, completing the “Kite” of the fire/earth Grand Trine – it also forms one corner of a Fixed Grand Square involving Mars (04 Aqu 26) and Uranus (07 Leo 46 Rx).
Today, transiting sun is conjunct my natal Pluto, which presumably is causing the Yod, the Stellium and the other figures involving the Stellium to “resonate” – but I’m having a hard time making sense of it all!
My yod is moon in aries 11H, inconjunct mercury in virgo 4H sextile pluto in scorpio 6H
I do find my emotions difficult to manage, ive come to realize that i cant keep bad feelings inside, its like i dont have a choice on this point, and the healthiest way to express them is to tell everything excatly how i feel it and why(without manipulation or resentment), and its so true that the yod attracts unusual situations
Well I have two yods in my chart. Yikes!! For real!
1rst) Yod: Pointing at Neptune/12th/Sag.
The Legs: The Moon/7th/Cancer
and: The Sun/4th/Taurus
2cnd) Yod: Pointing at: The Sun/4th/Taurus
The Legs: Pluto/9th/Libra
and Neptune/12th/Sag.
Explain this mess please-I think I already figured alot of it out.
Thank You
I have 2 Yods, which are a part of each other. Moon @ 1º Pisces in 12th, sextile Mars @ 2ºTaurus in 1st, pointing towards Jupiter @ 1º Libra, sitting right on my descendant in the 7th. Then my Jupiter forms a sextile with my Uranus @ 4º Leo in the 5th and points itself right back into my Pisces Moon in the 12th. I’m an artist, a painter, and in recent years I have become a sort of artist-street performer. I also teach. My world is a constant flow between being in front of people, teaching or talking with them, and being in the solitude of the studio, listening to my own thoughts so I can pull from my creativity. Also as an artist, I can manifest in reality a lot of visions and dreams. I find the Yods more manageable if I don’t try to force things to happen through my willfulness, but instead listen for synchronicity and the right moments to act.
Hi, I have a yod in composite with a love interest, does the yod have a different sort of influence over composite charts? There are obstacles in our way, we have been on and off. The apex is venus in Taurus in 11th house, the other two planets are pluto in libra in 4th and Neptune in Sagittarius in the 6th all at 25 degrees. Also when we met Lilith was transiting the apex! Any insights would be much appreciated, thank you
I have a yod with Pluto at 28 virgo in the sixth house, and Neptune at 29 Scorpio in the 7th house (both of these heavily aspected), both pointing at my Ascendant at 28 Aries. Any ideas of what this is about and how to resolve the conflict.
Much appreciated in advance,
Maybe a message to be careful with drugs or substances…or a partner (7th H) who is an addict bcs Pluto in Virgo (6th H, health) seems like a message. Pointing at your asc in Aries…your very self.
Is it normal for a couple to have 15 yod apexes (yes FIFTEEN) in their synastry using max 2-3 degrees orb for quincunx? Taking into account main 10 planets, chiron, 2 nodes, 4 angles and main 4 asteroids? Everything in her chart quincunxes something in his chart creating a whole lot of yods and sextiles.
The man is a cop who is obsessively and compulsively in love with the woman who walked into his police station for his help as a stranger in a grave crime/fraud situation in which she was the victim. They are as different as chalk and cheese in their individual walks of lives. But the woman is also amazed by his super-man-like devotion to help and protect her.
Sorry a bit more to share. The 15 yods is not the whole story.
* They both have unaspected suns natally. And those two suns are locked with each other in an out-of-sign trine of under 2 degrees. His sun falls in her 1st house and her sun falls in her 10th house.
* They both have prominent BML in natal charts. In his chart BML conjunct Sun. In her chart BML conjunct MC.
* His MC;
trines her Taurus AC
and conjuncts her AC ruler Venus
* They have Pluto trine other’s BML in air DOUBLE WHAMMY. For her these two air trines emphasize her natal air grand trine between her own Vertex-MC-SN. For him these two trines help grand trine his simple trine.
* He has a stellium of Venus-Mars-SN in Aries. Which means natal SN and NN rulers are conjunct the SN. All of this are opposed by her SN ruler mercury and her MC ruler Uranus conjunct his NN in Libra.
* His chart ruler and DC are conjunct her SN while His AC and IC ruler are conjunct her NN.
* In the composite chart they have a cardinal grand square between Pluto-BML-Mars-Juno/POF. And also a kite where a Venus-Uranus water trine grand trines AC and pointing to DC.
My horoscope has three Yods in almost the same degree/orb.
In the picture they make a star together.
My live is full of tension and releave afterwards.
No grip on what is occuring till I have gone through it.
The Yods were an discovery for me. Its a difficult/beautiful part of me!
Thanks for sharing Marijke.I can understand how it must be hard to work with 3 yods, but like you said, it has its struggles and its blessings.
I recently learned I have a natal Yod with Moon fulcrum in Pisces (1 degree) in 10th house. Other points are Mars in Leo (1 degree) in 3rd house and Pluto in Libra (4 degrees) in 5th house. I’d love to better understand what it means.
Hey, I hope you can tell me more about my Yod. I have one in my birth chart, it involves 11th-Pisces-Jupiter sextile with 9th-Capricorn-March and both quincunx with Venus in house 5th and Leo. I am a cancer
My life is very strange and i do feel the finger of god is powerful for me but it can bring as much good blessed things to me as the contrary. I feel that if people always fall in love with me, or they always like me, but I never find love. If you have any clue about my yod, please tell me.
Vincent, With Venus in Leo in 5th house – it makes sense that you easily attract love. It is hard to say without looking at the whole chart as to why love comes close, but is not really clicking.
With quincunx (and with a Yod, there are 2 of them) aspect, the energies don’t really see or understand each other. So with a Venus in Leo in 5th, you could be self centered in love, and may need a lot of attention (again I am just basing this on Venus’s position alone, as i don’t have the rest of the info). However, Venus does not really understand your Mars sextile Jupiter, which may be pulling you in another path. So you may be giving double messages to the person you love or vica versa. Maybe they sense a frustration in you as you are struggling with the incompatible energies of the yod.
I have only one yod but it is really weird and I hope I describe it correctly.
Mars is in a 2 degree quincrux with Jupiter and a 2 degree quincrux with Saturn
Jupiter and Saturn have a 5 degree sextile.
Mars is in my 12th house of Virgo
Jupiter is in my 5th house of Aquarius
and Saturn is in my 7th house of Aries
I do feel areas in my life that are frustrating and I hope I described this correctly. Any information or help would be much welcome!
Jonathan, with Mars at the apex in 12th quincunx to Jupiter and Saturn, you could be pulled into challenging situations and at other times, when you are working on something with focus, you can get pulled away. It’s like you don’t have any say in where you direct your energy (Mars) – situation happen that leave you helpless.
Yods can be frustrating but the rest of the chart may show how this energy could be handled better.
I have a yod with Saturn in cancer at the apex conjunct mid heaven, quincunx with Neptune in Sagittarius 2nd/3rd house cusp and Jupiter 4th/5th house cusp. A few years ago Pluto transit my nadir which oppositioned my Saturn and activated my yod (the Pluto transit also squared my natal Pluto which which was conjunct my sun and ascendant). I went through a very challenging time and almost died as a result. The experience forced me to face very intense anger and a deep fear that seemed like it went beyond just this lifetime, but was a thread through a number of past lives. Through intense meditation I cleared this from my system and I felt as if I cleared it from my soul. From that point onwards my life has taken on rocket fuel in terms of my career as an alternative care provider. I think I needed to deeply transform internally before I can do my work. I would never wish my experience on anyone else but it was valuable for me because it forced all those old wounds to the surface to be healed correctly.
Mandy, thank you so much for sharing this experience with your yod. It helps us all to understand how yods respond to transits. So basically with Saturn in the apex, you had deep seated fears that were frustrating you, and Pluto transit transformed it. It is great that you used your pluto energy to dig deep and make changes. I am glad that you came out of it healed.
We’re you born in 1973? I have the same Yod and I’m on the path to do the same thing, several years later. Wow! That is really cool!
I always seem so late to the astro party – this time it looks like I’m actually within a month of the last posting. When I figured out I had a Yod in my chart I got really scared, since the focal point is my (somewhat afflicted) Mars in leo in the 8th house (about 2 degrees into it at that). The base of the pattern is (an afflicted) Neptune in Capricorn in the 1st house sextile my Moon in Pisces in the 2nd house. [After I got over being scared and just settled into being uneasy, I remembered the 8th house is also supposed to be a mystical house and I hope that both my Neptune and Pisces Moon support this….]
Neptune and Moon also form two grand water kites(?) with a mutual Pluto (10th house) and Venus and Mercury (both 7th house) each. The afflicted Neptune is the spine, opposing my Venus and Mercury.
Any advice?
SPOKE TO SOON. More research always leads to an answer. I just found a rather helpful guide on a linda goodman astrology forum, http://www.linda-goodman.com/ubb/Forum24/HTML/20947.html
So my Apex of Mars means I’m ‘chosen to do battle’ and the ‘answer’ is the 2nd house (which, for me, is in Aquarius, which I personally am taking into account).
Hi there – great article. I’ve recently discovered astrology and am getting to learn a lot! I have a YOD with Retrograde Jupiter (7th house) at the apex, inconjunct to Sun in Pisces (2nd house) and inconjunct to Moon in Sagittarius (11th House). Sextile between Sun and Moon. There are no other aspects with Jupiter in my chart apart from the YOD. Can you please shed some light on this YOD and what to expect. Dob 22/02/1979 in Kisumu, Kenya.
I have a Yod with Vesta as the fulcrum between Juno and my north node. I would love to hear some insights into this. The asteroids are new to me, although I have always been very connected to powerful feminine energies.
vesta aries fifth house/ cusp of sixth
juno virgo tenth house
north node scorpio first house
athena, vesta, jupiter, chiron, part of fortune all aries; moon and juno in virgo; uranus, north node, ascendant all in scorpio. sun in conjunct moon, in aquarius.
Thank you for this information. I always felt like there is a destiny for me and now that I know more about toss it makes sense, but that also could be because a single point of my yod involves moon/midheaven/north node conjunction.
I have my apex in my cancer sun 11 house forming a yod with pluto in 4 house sagittarius and uranus in 6 house Aquarius. I guess it has a lot to do with change and transformation? It would be nice if you could help me!
Thank you
Hello Sam, your Sun (your body, your ability to shine in the world, your ego), will be radically changed over the years. When you have a yod, the planet in the apex which is the sun in your case, is at the midpoint of the other 2 planets, Uranus and Pluto. Sun at the midpoint of Uranus and Pluto shows that your ego will be altered due to drastic life changes. Uranus and Pluto are the planets of change and transformation.
My whole life i felt that god was pulling me in a certain direction in my life, with the yod i got it proofed now! I am into selfactualization work and drastic life changes seem to be the reason for that.
Thank you for your help!
One minor correction, Malala Yousafzai was actually treated in Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham UK and was given free education after her treatment at a private school in Edgbaston Birmingham.
Hello Mel, made the change in the document – added it as an update. Thanks
My yod consists of Chiron retrograde conjunct ic taurus 25° in the 4th house at the apex inconjunct Pluto at 26° Libra 9th house and Neptune at 25° sagittarius in 11th house. Saturn could also be included because it’s conjunct my Pluto by a degree. I cannot figure out what it means or what impact it’s having on my life because of chiron and neptune’s involvement. Everything is so clouded and muddled. It’s also the only configuration I have in my chart because my chart is full of conjunctions with two stelliums both of which are in the 9th house.
I’m similar, just one house shifted. Did you ever hear any that it means?
Chiron in 16° Taurus in the 5th house
Pluto in 21° Libra in the 10th
Neptune in 20° Sagittarius in the 12th
Hi AstroManda,
I agree with some previous posts about this chat being one of the only useful sites on yods.
Could I trouble you to comment on the yod that I have please?
Apex is Chiron in Gemini (8th House)
The 2 quincunx that are sextiling are:
– Mars in Scorpio (1st house)
– Venus in Capricorn (3rd House) is that conjunct my Sun, also in Capricorn.
I don’t know what this means, but what spawn me into digging deep into this is because I totally resonate with Noni who posted on May 17th 2015. Terrible feeling.
Hoping you can shed some light.
Sue, Mars and Venus sextile with Chiron at the apex shows that you may get pulled into relationships that may end up in pain or one’s that you cannot have, but it also gives you deep insight into relationship (Chiron is a teacher).
what a great read on YODS and also the interpretation of comments…I wonder if you could give me an interpretation on my yod too…its been a struggle trying to get a feel for its meaning in my life..
I have a yod with
Saturn in Aries( 10th) apex
Uranus in virgo (3rd)
Neptune in Scorpio ( 4th)
aniticpating your take on this. xx thankyou Jae
Hello AstroManda,
My Yod has a Moon fulcrum at 18.14 in Capricorn, and its feet are at 17.59 Jupiter (retrograde) in Leo, and 20.24 Saturn in Gemini. Transiting Pluto is at 17.0 of Capricorn, so it is about to conjunct my moon fulcrum. And Transiting Uranus at 18.29 of Aries is still in separating-square with my moon fulcrum.
The worst possible bereavement hit me 3-and-a-half years ago. Nothing worse can happen. So do these two transits to my moon fulcrum suggest end-of-life for me? (That would not bother me.) Or am I to expect a nasty turn that I cannot even imagine?
Please excuse me if I am too importunate.
I also have Yod:
Ascendant (Aries) – Mercury (Saggitarius/9th house) – Jupiter (Leo/5th house): Mercury and Jupiter are Sextile.
But at the same time also have a Grande Trine:
Ascendant (Aries) – Sun (Saggitarius/9th house) – Jupiter (Leo/5th house).
Can you tell me if the Yod means anything important?
Very interesting article on yods!
I’ve been trying to work out mine and wonder what your comment on it would be..
The apex of my yod is Saturn in cancer 8th house (conjunct south node)
quincunx Jupiter in Aquarius 3rd house and Neptune in Sagittarius 1st (but Scorpio rising)
Opposing Saturn, conjunct the north nose is Lilith (Capricorn 2nd)
I feel Lillith is quite significant here but don’t know how to interpretate it.
Jupiter is also sextile the moon (Aries 5th) which trines Neptune making a minor grand trine. Also Neptune sextiles my mercury/Pluto conjunction (libra 11th) trine Jupiter making another minor grand trine.
Never could choose a career, creative but difficulties expressing it. I have to be careful not to loose myself in fantasy and emotions even thou I’m a Virgo
Would like to know more about this yod.
Wonderful article!! I have a yod which seems extremely significant as the apex is Retrograde Saturn in Aries in the 10th house Conjunct Midheaven , Uranus 2nd house in Virgo and Neptune 4th house Scorpio. My Sun and Ascendant are Leo, Mars conjunct ascendant. Any insight you may have is greatly appreciated:)
Thank you,
sorry that was the wrong chart:) I will send the right one…I am so grateful to have found you as I have studied astrology for many years and find the “Yod” retrograde debilitated Saturn apex conjunct MC perplexing!
Dangit! I suppose this kind of difficulty is expected with a Yod:) I think this is my chart /Users/brookcaballero1/Desktop/astro_w2gw_01_jessica_henry.79103.5095.gif
Hello astromanda
thank you very much for this article about Yod. I start to understand the meaning of it in my chart and also for my relatives.
If I may, I would like to understand a bit better this challenging aspect that I have feel all of my life. My yod is north node (leo house 2) – Jupiter/saturn conjunct (house 4, Libra) with the fulcrum on my Midheaven in fish, conjunct to mercury and mars (themselves conjunct to my sun). It makes a boomerang with vesta in Virgo, house 3.
If this is relevant, I have also a kite in the chart, pointing on a very strong Neptune with an opposition to the moon conjunct ascendant in Cancer (I’m a tarot reader, no surprise), PLuto (house 5, Libra) and the sun (aquarius, house 9) forming the sextiles and grand trine involved.
For what I understand for now, material needs and building is a strong issue for me. What would be the meaning that I should understand to overcome this energy? I feel driven by a purpose since I’m a kid, coming from a gifted family, but I struggle a lot to make it happens for now. What would be a transit activating this energy?
I hope to not bother you with those questions and to find an answer
If you want, I can offer a tarot reading as for a grateful thanks.
If anybody can explain what it means to have a Yod with Cancer rising (apex) quincunx Mercury in Cap. and Uranus in Aqu. both in 8th and on the other side my rising quincunx Pluto in Sag. in the 6th house, it would be very helpful ????
Hi. Please help me decifer what feels to be a fated existence without real direction. I’m at a point in life where the world could be my oyster if i play this confounding time out well. I am in a neptune square neptune transit and have many unfigurables in my chart even though ive been studying a while. My ic scorpio and mc taurus 0.43 degrees have something to do with this. I am grateful for the time and effort in your responses. 5:21am Saskatoon Canada Aug 16 76 I believe I have 4 Tod’s all kinda connected.
I am having difficulty finding information to understand a double stellium quincunx yod. Aquarius/Sagittarius/Cancer. Jupiter 5th house Cancer is the point (along side is Chiron). Kindly share any knowledge you can impart. Thank you.
I met a man recently and very briefly on holiday in my town and he gave me his blog url. Strange thing was that the night we met I threw up all night. My very sensitive and intuitive and I felt his fear was the same as mine. (great start). After starting to chat, it was so strange because i could feel it when he thought about me, i could feel his thoughts vibrating in my chakras, partiularly my hara~ Turns out he has a problem in his life whereby he is so attached to his 4 children will never let anyone into the family. No one can be introduced. This comes from damage from a divorce and subsequent death of his ex, 17 years ago now. His kids are adults! I, on the other hand, have no contact with my family since I was the scapegoat and I had no choice but to cut the ties quite a few years ago now. I got his birth time and his moon conjuncts my sun and there is lots of other synastry. But strangest of all is the composite yod, with mars at 28 capricorn, mercury at 27 gemini and uranus at 0 virgo. (we both have gemini suns, his powerfully unaspected at 11, although his mercury and venus are in cancer, which, I think, creates problems, generally. My Venus and Mercury are safe in gemini, so I’m tougher). But the odd this about this yod is that it exactly bisects our composite vertex at 28 Capricorn, so I think that’s the axis that’s creating the sensitivity for me. TBC
His natal chiron is also at 28 capricorn, so as bad as I feel, I feel worse for him. Strangely, his natal vertex is at 28 scorpio and mine at 28 pisces so both form yod to the composite fulcrum, mine terminating at 28 cancer, the composite antivertex, and his at 28 Gemini, conjunct our sun moon conjunction at 26 gemini. There is masses of other synastry but i’m sure this is the scenario creating the sensitivity. We are not speaking to each other currently as I declined to pursue a relationship where I would be actively excluded from the family, since I have no contact with my own.
I have 4 yods in my birth chart (sun 4°libra,ceres 4° Taurus,moon 5° pisces) yod 2 (asc 20°aries, Juno 24° virgo,Pluto 23° scorpio) yod (ceres 4° Taurus, n. Node 6°Sagittarius, sun 4°libra) Yod4 I fid this one odd (juno 24°virgo,Pallas 24°Aquarius ,asc 20°aries, Saturn 24° Aquarius ) can some x plain to me this a lil better
Hello, AstroManda
I have this configuration in my chart, too.
Apex planet is R Jupiter in Scorpio in 8th house, and the other sextile planets are Venus in Aries, in 2nd house, and Gemini Moon in 4th house…
And I am very confused because of this 8th house, I always find it as mystery house … and have hard time discover meaning of my Yod
I just found out that I have 5 Yods in my chart that shar points and ultimately configures in the shape of a star so lots of squares in my chart.
I’ve always felt that I was on a mission and had a vision of what my life would look like in just a few months a debut it would look like late in life. The two seemed unrelated. Until now I didn’t understand why. Being conscious of the change makes it much easier to work with than running around wondering “what’s wrong” with me.
Good luck to us who are balancing so much.
I have a
Mercury in Taurus in 1st house
Neptune in Sagittarius in 8th house
Mars in cancer in 4th
Please help me understand this. I have no clue what my karmic fate is supposed to be
I have a yod
In those signs above
I have four Yods in my birth chart. I am really trying to understand these.
4H Rx Gemini Mars 13° (apex)
11H Capricorn Neptune 12°
8H Scorpio Mercury 10°
6H Leo Jupiter 12° Leo (apex)
11H Capricorn Neptune 12°
1H Pisces Moon 11°
11H Capricorn Neptune 12° (apex)
6H Leo Jupiter 12°
4H Rx Gemini Mars 13°
Asc 0° Pisces (apex)
7H Virgo Ceres 28°
5H Cancer Chiron 27°
Hi! I have a yod, and have experienced some very unusual life circumstances that have always been beyond my control. I feel that I am being steered towards something but I can’t quite figure it out…I feel like I am on the cusp of something big, but I can’t tell if it’s going to be good or bad. If you could offer me any clarity on the energies at play, or obstacles to overcome, because of my yod I would sincerely appreciate it! I’m reading all the information I can but I’m not sure how to interpret it.
Birthdate: 12/31/1989
Time: 12:05am
Place: Laguna Hills, CA
Jupiter in 5 degrees Cancer
Mars in 9 degrees Sagittarius
Venus in 6 degrees Aquarius
w/Jupiter at the apex
Hello I have a yod in my chart
Mars in aries 13*dg 5th house
Mc in virgo 10*dg 10th house
Pluto in scorpio*9dg 12th house I really wanna know what it means please help me
Birth january 27 1987 2:58 am Saginaw Michigan
I have a yod where the Folcrum or base of the yod is a late Pisces Ascendant. I have a late moon in Leo in 5th house and an Early Pluto in Scorpio in the 8th house sextiles each other and form the yod. I have just experienced its power over the past few years. I’ve been living away from my home city for five years. I’ve lost my job, in a share flat, and now my grandmother almost passed away from a heart attack. I’ve transformed my body and now a bodybuilder. I came out as gay a few years ago. Its been one Tsunami after another since January 2014.
Life hasn’t been terrible as I’ve learned so much from these intense few years. I’m a lot stronger, I can handle my difficult father a lot better. I’ve accepted my life path and know that my life is at a turning point and it will get better from here. We are all hear to learn and this aspect forces one to learn very quickly. The fulcrum is focused on myself, therefore the pressure is on myself.
I will return home almost penniless, but with a wealth of knowledge, and love and support from relatives. That is what I have learned is most important, close friends and family. The challenge of my journey has taught the value of family, patience and resilience. I’m no longer motivated by money unless it supports my life choices.
I’ve managed to break my lease on my flat and hopefully I will be on my journey home to be with my
I have a yod Jupiter in 28° in Capricorn in the 4th house . MC 1° in Cancer in the 10th house . Sun 2° Virgo in the 11th house. I’m born in diepenbeek Belgium 08.26.1961 at 8:30. Thanks for your answer in advance .
I have a Yod with an apex of the 1° Capricorn (5th house), Saturn and MC in Taurus both in the 28° with Jupiter Gemini 2° on the same side (10th house cusp?) and Leo 2° (12th house) on the other. I am a Cancer sun (actually i have a stellium of Cancer with sun 22°, N.Node 24°, Mercury 10° Rx, and mars 18°.) I am also considered a retrograde human (4 natal planets in retrograde although none of them fall on my yod.) Another tidbit is I’m born the day before the full moon and in my birth chart My moon is very strongly aspected and positioned (I’m lunar dominant according to calculations) My question is what the purpose of my yod is…. I feel it’s something spiritual but I cannot quite tell (I’m told by proven psychics and gazers that I make it far and I do much good, but idk if my yod reflects that.) I’m just curious as to what you’d say, I can’t read much of it myself although I have ideas.
I am trying to find a formula for calculating the possibilities in my life in regards to the patterns in my chart. I had my chart interpretted, but they didn’t go into much detail. I have a fan pattern with a focal point of moon in Leo. I also had a yod pattern, where the focal planet is moon in Leo. The other parts of my yod pattern is Aquarius sun, and Libra rising. Although I’ve done research, I still don’t know what to do to effectively utilize the patterns…or at least not get beheaded, shot in the head, etc.
I have had a difficult life, full of homelessness, abuse, and near death situations. Though they proved to have meaningful purposes, I would like to put an end to the turbulent events…but they were always out of my control, hence yod. I noticed, internally, that I have some issues in expressing my emotions and making critical decisions (like my career: I am extremely talented in arts and academia but I am stuck in a rut and have been in poverty), hence yod.
Now that I recognize that astrology is throwing my life around (or something like that…”God fingers”) I am trying to figure out what to do about it. What do I do? Also, how do i figure out things like karma, life purpose, career, etc from astrology? I do not even understand half of astrology terminology but, like I said, with the way my life is and how I am I could be one of the Yod horror stories lol. Advice is appreciated
I have a yod with the moon (8th Aquarius) that sextiles Mars (10th Aries) and both of these form an inconjunct with Uranus at the apex (3rd Virgo). I have a few frustrating aspects of my life and it feels like a constant readjustment, especially in relation to work, when it feels like something good is about to start, only to either just limp along or cease. Something else seems to get in the way, which may explain how Uranus plays out in its apex. Transiting Mars has made a return to my natal Mars, which activates the yod. I’m trying to make head and tail of it but have had no luck so far.
I actually have 2 Yods in my chart. They confuse me, but I feel them constantly at work in my life.
I wish I had more of an idea what areas they affect or interact in.
Sun is 15 degrees in Scorpio
MC is 13 degrees Aries
Mars is 14 degrees in Gemini
Mercury is 17 degrees in Scorpio
The other Yod consists of:
Venus in 1 degree Taurus
N. Node 27 degrees in Virgo
Neptune in 27 degrees Scorpio
Saturn 0 degrees in Taurus
I have had a Kundalini awakening and I do feel this has quite a lot to do with it. I am a writer and I feel this may have something to do with my spiritual path.
Hello, thank you for this article, it has helped me tremendously! So much great information here, thank you! I’ve been looking for insight into YODs with Algol/Chiron conjunction at their apex and a 5 planet stellium sextile Neptune at their base–Spica/Sun/Mercury/Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto all conjunct in 12th Libra (possibly including AC), all sextile Neptune in 2nd, and all quincunx Algol/Chiron in 7th. How might these YODs be interpreted in an individual birth chart? If this is too much to ask, I understand and I am extremely grateful for any bit of information offered.
Stellium sextile Neptune (12th & 2nd)
Algol/Chiron (7th) quincunx Spica/Stellium and Neptune.
Thank you so Much!
I have 2 yods:
1. Jupiter in Aquarius on 10th degree (12th house)-Moon in Cancer on 8th degree (5th house)-Neptune in Sagittarius on 8the degree (9th house)
2. Venus in Aquarius on 2nd degree (12th house)-Saturn (R) in Cancer on 2nd degree (exactly on 4/5 house) – Mercury on 3rd degree in Sagittarius (9th house)
And I must tell you, I am not living my life, it is living me! I have no idea what to do, how to do it or anything as whatever I plan, it by default, fails!
I would appreciate it if someone gives me more insight into this situation and some tips how to break the cycle
Hello ZK, your first yod between moon Jupiter Nd Neptune , with Moon in the apex of the yod shows that you will be put in situations
where your moon (emotions) will be stirred to help someone in trouble, give charity, etc. With yods one is called to carry out the command from the Universe. The idea is to go with the flow and learn acceptance. It is easier said than done
Thanks a million for the reply! In my situation, it is always an “abuse”…I invest all of me in helping (with nothing to ask in return) and I get used and abandoned, no reciprocity whatsoever, ever…so the Universe is not really kind to me…what about the second one? Any significance there?
Hello , thanks for the article my yod is Venus in 21° Virgo (house 10) , Saturn in 20° Aries (house 5) and
Jupiter in 16° Aquarius (house 3 ) could you please tell me what does it mean ?
Hello, thanks for the information, it’s very helpful.
I have a yod in my chart. Actually the yod is the only special pattern in my chart. Is that weird?? Anyway, here it is
Jupiter in 9° Cancer 5th house
MC in 13° Sagittarius 10th (but it’s very close to 9th house) house and Mercury in 10° Aquarius 12th house
Could you please help me i don’t know what is that mean so…
Thanks anyway xx
My son has a Yod with Moon in the first house in Virgo on 14°28′ degrees, and Venus at 15°08′ in Aries – VIII house, which sextile Jupiter at 14°48′ degrees Aquarius – VI house and I wonder what it means.
I’m not sure if there is also Yod with Saturn as well, as Saturn is in conjunction with Moon at 18°13′ in Virgo and opposing Sun at 20°13′ and and Uranus at 22°28 in Pieces, which could mean there is Focused Yod, or boomerang Yod, but Sun and Uranus are more than 5 degrees degrees away, so that may not be the case.
I have three yods, would you be able to interpret them for me?
1st Yod:
Mercury in 6° Cancer in 8th house (apex)
Ascendant in 7° Sagittarius
Neptune in 1° Aquarius in 3rd house
2nd Yod:
Neptune in 1° Aquarius in 3rd house (apex)
North Node in 4° Virgo in 10th house
Mercury in 6° Cancer in 8th house
3rd Yod:
North Node in 4° Virgo in 10th house (apex)
Neptune in 1° Aquarius in 3rd house
Moon in 7° Aries in 5th house
Thank you so much! xx
Hi! Thanks for your text!
I have a yod. Jupiter in Leo 12th sextil march in gemini 10th. The apex is uranus in capricorn in 5th.
I’m always studying to achieve my carrear dreams, but I think people doesn’t understand or do not accept my oppinions because of their unconventional inovation in a traditional area like law school.
Make it sense?
I have two Yod’s; one is NN in 29° Leo, MC in 26° Cap, Venus in 28° Pisc
and ASC in 20° Tau, Pluto in 21° Libra, Neptue in 22° Sag
also I have Cradle
Venus in 28° Pisces
Saturn in 26° Virgo
Uranus in 25° Scorpio
MC in 26° Capricorn
and 2 T-squares
Uranus in 25° Scorpio
Sun in 18° Aquarius
Ascendant in 20° Taurus
North Node in 29° Leo
Uranus in 25° Scorpio
Mercury in 1° Pisces
Short comment would be most appreciated, at least on the Yod’s and if you could point to mistery of the cradle. Thank You very much.
I have a natal yod with Uranus 17 Leo at the base inconjunct Saturn 18 Capricorn and Mercury 17 Pisces. Communication and thinking appear to be the lesson. As I have a moderately severe hearing deficit, communication is a challenge in more ways than one
I didn’t quite understand what does it mean, I have this yod on my natal chart:
Chiron in 21° Leo
Neptune in 19° Capricorn
Venus in 22° Pisces
Uranus in 19° Capricorn
I also have grand trine (air signs)
Hello, I have a yod and am attempting to interpret it, my moon 11 degrees libra conjunct Pluto at 13 degrees Libra in the 11th house ,sextile Neptune 13 degrees Sagittarius in the 1st house, inconjunct the decendant at 14 degrees Taurus, boomerangs back to the ascendant 14 degrees scorpio, conjunct Uranus 8 degrees of Scorpio, Saturn in the 9th at 16 degrees leo squares the ascendant /decendant, but trines Neptune and sextiles moon/Pluto. Also the ascendant is in a degree I’ve read to be the “hand of God” in that it is in the exact degree of an eclipse which occurred 12 days before I was born. I most definitely relate to the fated feeling, and have experienced the ups and downs, and fated events, especially relationships. Any insight anyone has to offer would be greatly appreciated.
YOD: Libra Sun in 7th, sextile Saggitarius Mars in the 9th, quincunx Taurus Moon in 2nd. Its like I have had many different lifetimes all in this one. Good information.
I have 2 yods. Sun 26 Pisces in the third, inconjunct Moon in Leo 28 in the 8th and pluto at 23 Leo in the 8th. Sextile Neptune on the MC in 25 Libra. There is a new moon coming on August 27 which conjuncts my Moon and I am afraid of another crisis. I had many upsetting things happen in my career also and wonder what this transit may mean.
Hello, im sun in capricorn 5, moon capricorn 6, my yod is Jupiter cancer 5, quincunx venus aquarius 7, sextile mars saggitarius 4.
Did i write it right?
How can I interpretate the realtion between the sextile?
Thank you in advance!
Hello Astromanda
I have a yod and my interpretation says that it’s creating a problem regarding my career. Saturn Neptune conjunct in Capricorn in 4th house sextile Pluto on Scorpio in 3rd quincunxing midheaven in gemini. It’s just a hunch. I want to know your opinion on this.
Thanks for the article and explaining it in details with the examples.
Thank you
With a yod like this, with the apex in the MC, the idea is that the Universe will bring people, opportunities, to propel you to a career. However, this may or may not be the one that you want. There is a feeling that you cannot control the direction of your career and sometimes there could be other events in your life that make it difficult for you to focus on your career. Pluto and Neptune are generational planet, and so some of the situations could be due to environment rather than your personality needs
Hi all,
My son, (birthdate 05/05/2005 at 12.50 pm) has 4 yods and a T-square. Should I be completely disappointed? Thanks in advance
Neptune in 17° Aquarius
Sun in 14° Taurus
Ascendant in 15° Leo
Jupiter in 10° Libra
MC in 6° Taurus
Uranus in 10° Pisces
Created with Raphaël 2.1.2
Jupiter in 10° Libra
Uranus in 10° Pisces
Sun in 14° Taurus
Uranus in 10° Pisces
Ascendant in 15° Leo
Jupiter in 10° Libra
Pluto in 24° Sagittarius
Saturn in 22° Cancer
Venus in 24° Taurus
Hi Αstrmanda thank you for your interesting article,
My son, (birthdate 05/05/2005 at 12.50 pm) has 4 yods and a T-square. Should I be completely disappointed? I’m really afraid of what I’m reading!!Μany Thanks in advance
Information for my child
Neptune in 17° Aquarius
Sun in 14° Taurus
Ascendant in 15° Leo
Jupiter in 10° Libra
MC in 6° Taurus
Uranus in 10° Pisces
Created with Raphaël 2.1.2
Jupiter in 10° Libra
Uranus in 10° Pisces
Sun in 14° Taurus
Uranus in 10° Pisces
Ascendant in 15° Leo
Jupiter in 10° Libra
Pluto in 24° Sagittarius
Saturn in 22° Cancer
Venus in 24° Taurus
Hi, I have a yod too and I can’t figure it out. Please help me. It’s moon in Aries in the 5th house at 23 degrees, Jupiter in aries in the 5th house at 22 degrees, also Chiron in gemini in 8th house at 23degrees, pointing to ascendant in scorpio 1st house at 21 degrees. Please help me figure that out.
Hi! I have three Yods… I don’t fully understand what it means, but yes many times I do feel as if most of my problems are ones I have little control of. After many years I’ve learned to accept hardships and find the light in dark situations.
First yod is Moon in 21° Libra, Ascendant in 24° Taurus, Mercury in 19° Pisces.
Second yod is Mercury in 19° Pisces, Chiron in 17° Leo, Moon in 21° Libra.
Third yod is Chiron in 17° Leo, Neptune in 21° Capricorn, Mercury in 19° Pisces.
I worry because when I was younger I was put in unfortunate situations and I have not been very lucky in life. However, I have been told my family members that I am born gifted and have unique abilities. But my gifts mean nothing because I constantly face obstacles after obstacles that stop me from doing great things. Please help… I would give me peace of mind in knowing that these hardships will lead to something greater in the future.
Shi, sometimes yods can take you to the right place, when right transits and progression come along. Thanks for sharing
Good day,
I seem to have a yod, but I’m not sure what it means either…I also have 2 other configurations (rectangle and t square in a bucket chart) so perhaps they get jumbled up.
I have Mercury 5th quincunx Chiron rx 10th
Chiron Sextile Ascendant
Mars quincunx Chiron rx
Mars and Mercury 5th qiuncunx Ascendant
Mercury in 28° Scorpio
Ascendant in 29° Gemini
Chiron in 28° Aries
Mars in 26° Scorpio
Hello! Very interesting! I Just found out about yods. I have, 1st yod:
Venus in 19° Pisces
Ascendant in 17° Leo
Moon in 14° Libra
2nd yod:
Ascendant in 17° Leo
Neptune in 22° Capricorn
Venus in 19° Pisces
What does this mean? Thank you in advance
I have some golden yods/yods/finger of destiny…… What I’ve come to realize is that I have no control over certain aspects of my life. When I feel it coming I just relax and let it take over. There is not use trying to control my fate. Luckily my sun and moon are fluid and water, so I can conform to whatever channel is presented to me.
My advice from my own experience, is to allow the yod to play out. It’s a special part of your chart that can also benefit the greater good (masses). Like the Elton John or MC Hammer examples.
My yod is moon in the 1st at the apex, Mercury in the 9th and Saturn in the 6th.
So true about karmic opportunity that may turn out to be a blessing or a curse. At 54 yrs of age, I met a shaman who helped me heal overnight of a 20 yr long illness, woke up my kundalini and turned out to be a narcissist of the worst order who I’ve worked years to cut ties with. In process of writing a book about it and my spiritual growth from it all.
My Yod is Sun in the 3rd at the apex with Moon in the 11th and Neptune in the 8th. I feel it manifests by my being driven to overcome and understand my difficulties and develop myself. Is also gives a passion about things in my life that can consume me. I feel it forces me to continually adjust my life, and with the Moon of the Yod also part of a Grand Fire Trine with Mercury 2nd and Pluto 7th, my main stress is that I feel unable to meet the continual challenges of life, yet I also continually manage to resolve seemingly very knotty or even seeemingly impossible problems by my persistence and power. There Is an extreme inconjunct between feeling powerless and overwhelmed by problems and having the power to act.
I have 2 Yods and would love to have an idea of what they mean. The first is Pluto in Leo, Neptune in Libra pointing at Mars in Pisces (R).
The second is Venus in Cancer, Moon in Taurus pointing at my ascendant in Sagittarius.
Any ideas would be helpful!
Sister Ray (www.sisterrayastrology.com) wrote an interesting article
(www.sisterrayastrology.com/power.htm) and subsequent ebook on Yods replete with historical transiting planet references and easy to follow chart placement for personal guidance/interpretations. With my own Saturn Yod apex, I read the article and got the book and feel the investment was well with it.
I have a yod configuration with Neptune in Libra in the 8th Sextile Moon in Sagittarius in the 11th, both Inconjunct Sun in Taurus in the 3rd. I can certainly relate to the ‘Unseen Hand’ phenomenon. I experience the Yod as fateful when my life is turned in a different direction; when I get flashes of inspiration, revelations and epiphanies. I am guided by a strong intuition and right brain function.I also put my powerful creativity down to the Yod.
Thank you I will look into that
I have a yod between moon in Leo conjunct Pluto in the eight sextile Neptune in libra on MC and both incomjunct Pisces in the Third house.
I had a very fateful life and like your opinion.
I have a yod: Moon conj. Neptune in the 5th house both quincunxing Venus (10th house) sextile Mercury (12th house). I feel like it’s going to be related to art or music since I am a musician but I am too afraid to take a step and follow my real dreams not my family’s
Hello. What an interesting article. I have a yod which I would love help in figuring out any insights, etc. The apex of my yod is the moon in the 11th house on the cusp of the 12th ( i honestly feel like more of a 12th house moon person) …. Moon is in Virgo. This is in quincunx to Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in the 4th house. Moon is also in quincunx to Jupiter retrograde in Aries in the 7th house conjuncting the descendent.
hi i have two yods in my chart. first chiron 10°37′ Cancer, in House VII , ascendant 12°54′ Sagittarius and north node 15°34′ Aquarius, in House II . second chiron, ascendant and mars 9°06′ Aquarius, in House II . what does these two yods mean?
This was a good read, yet of all my placements, the Yod is the hardest one to interpret yet. The meaning is as obscure as the planets being blind to each other lol! Mine is Uranus (28 deg) close my Capricorn MC sextile Pluto (28 deg) Scorpio 8th, and the apex is Gemini Mercury 3rd (29 deg). I sort of understand the Pluto / Mercury contact since I’ve always been interested in the occult as a kid. The Uranus-Mercury I don’t know, though! May I get some help regarding this one? I have a lot of other aspect patterns in my chart that I don’t know which is causing my megalithic confusion with life!
Alice, if you feel confusion and chaos, it could be due to Neptune aspects.
Hello! I have 2 yods and i would appreciate some interpretations:
Yod 1: Chiron conjunct Mars in Sagittarius, sextile Uranus in Aquarius, inconjunct Venus in Cancer.
Yod 2: Jupiter in Cancer sextile Asc in Virgo, inconjunct Neptune in Aquarius
I have a yod and have always experienced big ups and downs in life. I also frequently feel carried/guided/”blessed” by an unseen force and am very connected with my intuition.
My apex planet is mars in retrograde in cancer -2nd house using tropical zodiac and 3rd in the whole-sign house system. Quincunx with venus in Aquarius 10th/9th house and the other quincunx is mercury conjunct north node in Sagittarius 7th house.
I have only just started reading about yods so I would love any further insight you have about this.
my biggest experience that I feel could be connected to my yod energy is that I met the love of my life last year, everything moved very fast, truly love at first sight. within 6 days of knowing each other he bought tickets to move across the world to live with me. fast forward 3 months and I had my dream job in the place I’d been dreaming of living my whole life with my dream man, basically everything felt too good to be true, and then my man fell from a 6 story window. he survived… and is now struggling through a long recovery process. and while this has all been severely traumatizing for me, it has also opened new doors and set me on a new path that is more aligned with what i feel is my “destiny”.
I have always found my relationships with men to be big indicators of pain/growth/change in my life and I wonder if this has to do with my mars. mars is also opposite uranus and neptune in Capricorn 8th house.
at the time of the accident sun was conjunct my mars, mars was conjunct my mars, and saturn was conjunct my mercury and north node. pluto was also conjunct my uranus/neptune. what does this all mean???
shoot I mean mars is in 3rd house tropical zodiac and 2nd house whole sign house system
ugh. uranus/neptune 9th house tropical, 8th house whole sign.
I give up
Can someone help me out possibly? I have a yod between Chiron in 18 degrees Leo, Gemini Ascendant 20 degrees, and Neptune 16 degrees Capricorn. Neptune being the 3rd planet that the focus seems to be on…
Hello. I have searched everwhere to figure out my one and only “insignificant” yod
It’s a Chiron in 15 degrees Sagittarius sextile Uranus 16 degrees in Aquarius
Chiron and Uranus Quincunx North Node 19 degrees in Cancer
The Uranus Sextile Chiron is the closest orbit in my chart but the North Node is a small and sometimes not recognized as qualifying as a Yod
I’m wanting to understand what the North Nod Yod conflict means, and maybe deducing some of the infuence having the close sextile with Uranus and Chiron
I have 2 Yods
Cancer Mars apex 7th house Quincunx Jupiter in 1st house Aquarius and Uranus in Sagittarius 11th house.
My sun in 6th, on cusp of 7th, makes Quincunx aspects to Jupiter and Uranus as well. Orbs range from Sun at 12°, Mars at 16°, Uranus at 14°, and Jupiter at 15°.
My issues definitely involve 1st / 7th / 11th House themes. Sudden changes in relationships. I’m still trying to figure out my Yods, but was told Jupiter and Uranus is mutual reception is good!
I have a yod : point to the Sun at 12 degrees in Piscis in the 12 house with the quinconces of Pluto in Leo on the 5th house and Neptune in Libra on the 7th house.
The effects of this in my life are intense. I would like to understand if it all is due to this yod placement. As you might see, this is an Spiritually loaded placement. I am old and truly, the hold this thing has on me, has become truly paralyzing.
Any suggestions?
I would say that I have a very strange set of yods to start with. The first one:
I have Mars in the 12th house Gemini in Apex facing Pluto in Scorpio 5th House next to a conjunct Neptune/Saturn in Capricorn in the 6th. Yes a Yod with two ‘bases”. That base also serve as the side of a grand trine (Moon, Saturn/Neptune, Pluto).
The second Yod has Pluto in Apex at Scorpio 5th house, facing Mars in Gemini in 12th, next to a perfect conjunct Sun/Venus/Mercury in Aries 10th house. I also add that that triple conjunct squares Saturn/Uranus/Neptune in the 6th Capricorn.
I feel that Mars – my ruler -, Pluto and Saturn are always overly excited and hold a sword over my head. April 3, 1989.
What do you think?
I have 3 yods in my chart and I feel like my life is cursed. Nothing ever goes right in my life. I have never experienced the things that normal everyday people do. I have no siblings, never went to prom, never got married, never bought a house, never had kids. I am alone with nothing. In fact 3 weeks ago I lost my job of 6 years and no one is going to hire a fat, woman who has so much arthritis she can barely walk. I have no idea what the point of this life is.
Okay I’m just confused on this yod thing but my plants are Jupiter in Sagittarius 13th degree in the 3rd house (the fulcrum) to mc in cancer 11th degree sextile my sun in Taurus 8th house 12 degree. Weird that it goes 11, 12, 13 for the degrees and 8th, 9th, and 10 th houses. I do feel destined to do good in the world, just felt held back because it seems like maybe I’m not smart enough or able too. Things are always happening to me. Maybe I’m on the wrong path, but how can I manifest this? Need help in understanding this, my whole chart is kinda weird. I have a Libra rising, so all my signs have their opposite houses. Which you would think make someone a balanced person, but really, if feels like no one can understand me,
My Yod… Chiron 22 deg Taurus, Pluto 22 deg Libra, Neptune 22 deg Sag, Venus 27 deg Libra. While I understand how to chart, Yods are new to me and I just became aware I have one. I also have had a life of consistent traumas/tragedies/ and losses… I feel this Yod is important in understanding. The rest of my chart is spot on accurate with experiences, relationships and personality traits through my life. Any info anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated. Yods seem to be one of the greater mysteries on the internet and more difficult to find information for… TIA for anything anyone may have to offer to help me understand how this effects my life. <3
I was born the same year as Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump.
I have a Bucket pattern with a Piscean Moon as the handle in the 6th house which is closely square my Gemini MC. Incidentally, I am a triple Virgo (Sun, Mercury, Ascendant) and that apex Moon handle is trine Venus in 3rd house Scorpio. Obviously I like analyzing this stuff.
My Yod has this Moon bucket handle as the apex — quincunx Saturn (11th Leo, closely sextile MC) and Neptune (2nd Libra, closely trine MC).
I have certainly had a colorful life with a number of major life changes. There have been some events totally out of my control and others associated with big decisions– events I call providential, especially since they turned out to be beneficial. Some of these turned my life in a different direction (e.g., the Tijuana jail adventure as a hippie; a Libra friend’s driving a thousand miles and showing up on my doorstep just in time to rescue my marriage; the surprise gift of a daughter after 14 years of no children; being accepted unexpectedly into the perfect graduate school for me), and other events which provided opportunities right on time (e.g., receiving job offers I could not refuse) and sudden unexpected situations which forced me into making necessary but risky decisions that turned out well.
In the Yod, Saturn (11th) has represented the divine discipline which has structured my life with stable friends and practical plans, and which reined in my wild and crazy tendencies (represented by Moon in Pisces quincunx Neptune in Libra). Experience has taught me major lessons and I have grown mature. My sixties and early 70’s have been the most stable and productive (and enjoyable) period in my life.
Along with the Pisces Moon, the Neptune influence (which was once about drugs) is now associated with a deep spirituality, charity to the poor, and a 100% commitment to Christ. I am a professional people-helper (in mental health) and love my work. My marriage of 47 years has never been better and my brilliant grown daughter has followed me into the same field.
But one never knows what is around the corner. I think I am ready.
Hi I’ve recently discovered I have a Yod
1st house
6th House
8th house
Saturn Taurus 15°
Uranus Libra 13°
Venus Sagittarius 18°
I also have a stellium in the 8th with Venus mars Jupiter neptune
Chiron in Aries 6°
So i have my Jupiter return and my Chiron return now and am completely reassessing my life and the people in it.
Can you advise how I can work with my Yod and stellium
I have 3 yods, 2 involve Neptune.. one points to apex Chiron in Taurus (from sag in Neptune and Uranus in Scorpio) , another apex Sag in Neptune (from Mercury in Cancer and Chiron in Taurus), and one points to apex Gemini in Venus (from Sag in Netpune and Mid heaven Capricorn) .. not sure what this means but I’ve had tons of transformation and am an artist. I have 2 mystic triangle and some cradles, 2 trines and some hard angles too. Ah so much. Anyone want to help?
My Yod points to chronic illness and pain ruining my love and life, not to mention my love life. I suffer from severe ME/CFS, intense fibromyalgia, extreme endometriosis, horrid IBS, debilitating bilateral inguinal hernias, and a disabling sprained low back, etc…
My Yod is
Neptune in 17° Scorpio in the 6th house of Hell – I mean Health
Ascendant in 20° Gemini in the 1st house of Self
Jupiter in 20° Aries in the 11th house of my (now non-existent) Social Life
Oh, and the asteroids Sisyphus and Karma share my 6th Hell (Health) House with Neptune.
Oh well, I have 4 yods and 3 t-squares. I can’t even start talking about anger, stress, frustration, delays, ups and downs. The yods are:
1. Mercury (11th)-Jupiter (6th)-Neptune (4th) (apex Mercury)
2. Moon (1st)-Mercury (11th)-Jupiter (6th) (apex Jupiter)
3. Saturn (7th)-Pluto (3rd)-Ascendant (apex Saturn)
4. Saturn (7th)-Pluto (3rd)-MC (apex Pluto)
I’m mostly aware of the moon’s yod. I feel like I need to get over a tendency to make grandiose thoughts and that – sometimes – expands to my emotions, as well. I think it’s because of this yod. It’s a serious call for maturity and growth that I don’t know how to reach. It feels like it’s urgent, but I don’t have the means “tools” to get there.
I have two Yods. The first one:
Sun in 19° Taurus
Pluto in 22° Libra
Neptune in 24° Sagittarius
The second one:
Neptune in 24° Sagittarius
Ascendant in 24° Cancer
Venus in 28° Taurus
What does this say about me? Could this be why I’ve struggled with romantic relationships or career?
Hi I find it odd that my yod is between Ascendet Leo in 1 degree, Moon in Capricorn 1 degree and Sun in Pieces 5 degree.
Oh my yod is kind of similar to you with Moon Leo apex, Pisces Sun and Capricorn Ascendant, and 4 other yods with Virgo Vertex apex (since I got stellium).
And the first yod makes me depressed most of the time… It’s really hard to show my true feelings and real attitude and I always have to adapt to those of other people, but not mine. I also always think for others, but no one can listen to my true feelings anyway… It’s sad for me.
my yods are:
saturn (pisces 9’ 35’) left 2nd
sun (taurus 3’31’ ) right 4th
and moon ( libra 6’44’) up 9th
ASC (sagitt 28’50’) between 1thand12th house left
venus (taurus 27’9’) 5th
MC ( libra 27’9’) between 10th and 9th
Hello Astromanda. Would you please consider my yod? Neptune 22ºScorpio 8th house, Moon 21º Taurus 1st house, Jupiter 21º Gemini 3rd house. What are your impressions. I’ve only heard that it is fated.
Thank you
I am interested in learning more about reading charts. This is my husbands’ list of 5 YODs in his natal chart. There is so much more to him than I knew…I appreciate any insights you can share. Thank you!
Moon in 26° Capricorn, Lilith in 29° Gemini, Ascendant in 28° Leo
Neptune in 28° Scorpio, Lilith in 29° Gemini, Venus in 26° Aries
Ascendant in 28° Leo, Chiron in 2° Aries, Moon in 26° Capricorn, North Node in 0° Aries
Ascendant in 28° Leo, Moon in 26° Capricorn, Sun in 23° Pisces
Lilith in 29° Gemini, Neptune in 28° Scorpio, Moon in 26° Capricorn
I have a yod in Mercury in Sagittarius, Chiron in Taurus, and Jupiter in Cancer
I’m curious to know what this means.
Thank you
Cherry Schultz
Yod apex is Sun in Gemini at MC (9th house conjunct MC), quincunxes are Pluto in Scorpio in 2nd house (next to 3rd house cusp) & Neptune in Capricorn in 4th house (conjunct Uranus).
Also in 2nd house is Libra Moon (2nd house ruled by Libra).
Also in 10th house are Jupiter & Chiron – both in Cancer, though 10th house ruled by Gemini MC.
4th house ruled by Sagittarius.
Thanks for this article, and it’s so interesting reading through all of the comments! I think my Yod was activated in April. I have Mars and Neptune conjunct at 28 Sagittarius, Pluto at 1 Scorpio and North Node at 29 Taurus. In April there was a fire in my apartment building and I lost everything, so a very traumatic experience, but it forced me to change some aspects of my life and on the other side of it I can see how I am better off now in a lot of ways. On the day it happened, transiting Venus became conjunct to my natal North Node. Venus Septiles Mars and Neptune in my natal chart, and is also the ruler of the North Node in Taurus. As I have a boomerang Yod, I’m not sure if it is only activated by my South Node, but I’m pretty sure Venus has an effect because of the touch points to the Yod planets, also natally Venus is at 8 Scorpio so not quite conjunct Pluto! Ouf! this stuff is complicated lol
I have a perfect yod with Neptune in Libra, Pluto in Leo and the North Node in Pisces, all at 17 degrees. Certainly been a life of ups and downs, especially when I wrote to President Johnson and asked why my dad had received a certificate of appreciation. (10/8/3) house. Found out my father was a spy. A big spy who had been murdered when he was 39. I’m shy. Entering that world has been up and down.
Hi I was hoping to get some insight on my yod I’m a bit confused on what it means .
Mars is in Gemini in my 4th House which is
Sextile with Jupiter in Leo in the 7th house
And the apex is Uranus in Capricorn in the 12th house which was retrograde
Also the opposition of my Uranus is moon in cancer In 6th house both my moon and Uranus where out of bounds
Which is where this confusion comes from I don’t know what to male of it ??? Any help would be greatly appreciated