In Vedic Astrology, Kalasarpa Yoga occurs when all the planets except for outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are placed between the Nodes. It is said the head (Rahu) and tail (Ketu) of the snake tie up the planets – like a nodal bind. It has many variations, but generally speaking it is said to cause afflictions to countries, leaders, people, etc., and especially significant in Mundane Astrology.
Bringing this concept to tropical astrology by including all the ten planets (including the outer planets). the nodal bind occurs roughly 3% of the time. Interestingly it’s happening right now when globally we are struggling with the new Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic. Of course the moon goes in an out of the bind during the nodal bind period. What is the significance of the nodal bind?
Significance of Nodal Bind: Nodes connect us to others, our environment, the world, how we come together or separate. When our nodes aspect another person’s planet, it’s as if a window is opened and we can see their souls, whether they have come to repay a debt from past life or a needed agent to take us to the next stage of development. Nodes can connect or disconnect, can make a marriage or a divorce, and can turn us in or out, Nodal bind is often seen in times where there is separation, isolation, disconnection, extreme measures to protect, and pressure to be self-resourceful. Luckily this formation does not occur too often but when it does, it’s as though the time stops still and traps us in a capsule making it difficult to interact and express ourselves in the usual way. Some of these separations can be painful even if necessary and practical. This formation seems to be exceptionally difficult when it occurs during periods of other major aspects signifying a challenging time, like hard aspect between Pluto and Saturn. More information on Nodes
Frequency of Nodal Binds: These do not occur in a consistent frequency; years can go by without this pattern, and then all of a sudden there can be many consecutive years of it. So from 1885 to 1940, there was no nodal bind for 55 years, and then in 1940’s the period of World War II, the nodal bind occurred 4 times. In the past 100 years, the time of the AIDS Epidemic saw the most number of nodal binds – about 6 times between the periods of 1980 to 1987. When we look at these years, they all have one common theme of drastic separation, isolation or/and protection which came to pass for various reasons.

World War II – During World War II, this formation occurred a few times between 1940 to 1946, and there were tragic stories of families everywhere forced to separate for various reasons, The Pied Piper Operation in Britain involved mass evacuations of civilians especially children separated from parents and relocated to live in foster homes until the war was over (1). The operation started in Fall of 1939, when Pluto was squaring Saturn (involving loss and restriction) and Saturn was conjunct the south node. This was soon followed by the nodal bind from April to September of 1940, for 145 days. Britain was not the only country; Finland evacuated 70,000 children, the separation and endings due to holocaust amidst the WWII, Japanese Internment in America which involved mass relocation of people to camps, etc. Finally, right after the World War II was over, the year 1946 had a nodal bind. Interestingly this year had an abnormal increase in the number of divorces (separations), as seen in the graph below.
Polio Epidemic. Although Polio has been there even since Ancient times, it took on a drastic turn in 1954, were thousands of people were infected by Polio all over the World. The nodal bind occurred in 1954 for 53 days and 1955 for 133 days when at the same time Saturn was about to form a square with Pluto. An article that compares Polio Epidemic to the current COVID-19 mentions that even in 1955, quarantine, ban on public gatherings and school closures was used to combat the disease (2). People were scared to touch paper money or even shake hands (3). All of this reflects separation, isolation, and protection signified by a nodal bind.
AIDS Epidemic: As you can see in the table, there were many occurrences of nodal bind between the period of 1980 to 1987 which were some of the worst years of the AIDS Epidemic. During this time, people either shut themselves off from the World due to shame and stigma, or they were distanced by others due to the fear that it was contagious. The AIDS epidemic parallels the COVID-19 due the uncertainty and fear. People thought AIDS can be transmitted through sharing the same mugs, swimming in the same pool, and patients were discriminated by being kicked out of school, refused treatment, etc. Things changed in the 1990s, as people became more informed, resulting in more support and less stigma for the patients (4).
COVID19 Pandemic: The nodal bind again occurs now between from Feb 25 2020 to May 29 2020 for 84 days amidst the period of Pluto Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn. We started hearing about Corona virus in the middle of January 2020, and then people started googling it, becoming curious, but in a month’s time, by the end of February, the whole World was hysteric about it. We went from washing hands, wearing gloves and masks, social distancing, shelter in place, school and business closures to complete lock-down in some countries. This nodal bind will be broken by Mercury coming out of the bind on May 29. The nodal bind will occur again from Dec 2020 to March 2021 for 87 days, and again from Dec 2021 to April 2022 for 130 days. This could mean that although the epidemic subsides in May 2020, there could be a second and third wave of COVID-19, or some other event possibly that binds us apart,
The good news is that if we survive, the next nodal bind only occurs in 2036!
I thought the work that Manda has done on the “Kalasarpa Yoga” was extraordinary, including the graph. Thus far in 2020, I took note of the dates she outlined for WHEN the Nodal bind took place, and it was right “on target”, therefore, extraordinary in my opinion. Seldom does tropical astrology pinpoint exact events and that is why I choose to read Vedic writings by Americans rather then from the Vedic community so much because they are easier for me to understand and put into practice myself.
Hats off to Manda, for this wonderful addition she has given us who admire the Vedic tradition. We’d not have known about it otherwise I’m rather certain without her effort and translation.