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Chart Interpretation or Horoscope Reading is a process to gain understanding of the birth chart using some basic and advanced tools. Some of the things to look in a birth chart are positions of planetary bodies. how they interact with each other, and using advanced tools like midpoints that further characterizes the natal chart. Given below in related categories are some of the tools used in chart interpretation:
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This article demonstrates how astrology can highlight significant events in a person’s chart using secondary progressed and converse directions. The … keep reading
In Vedic Astrology, Kalasarpa Yoga occurs when all the planets except for outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are placed … keep reading
In the month of August 2017, the occurrence of both a lunar and a Solar eclipse says it all. The … keep reading
This article, an honest view of Uranus Transit, by guest writer – Phoenix Rose- Just another Plutonian! You can also … keep reading
May 1st 2017 – SATURN RETURN IN THE 12TH: Yesterday was the last day on the job I never liked. … keep reading
The Orlando, Florida Mass Shooting occurred at 2:02 am, on June 12, 2016, where fifty people were shot dead and … keep reading
Asteroid Ceres in Astrology plays an important role in the natal chart in relation to nurture, loss, sharing, food, farming, … keep reading
Vesta in Mythology Vesta is one of the four main asteroids used in Astrology. She is known as Hestia in … keep reading
Mars Uranus combo is the dare devil fiery brand aspect, and the people who have this are the passionate risk … keep reading