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Astrological Insights for October 2016

 Jupiter is the planet of abundance, luck and sometimes the one that pushes us into taking risks, which is fine as long as it is done with balance.  And Libra is the sign of balance and harmony and together they could make a good pair, with the right amount of push to get along with others, the right words to mend many years of enmity, the right touch of color to bring light to a dark space, or the just the amount of luck that is needed to get that job.  Whatever you need for the next year or so, Jupiter can be a strong force to make it happen with a bit of charm and diplomacy. Jupiter is a stroke of luck but you need to exert that willpower to get it working for you.  So put on that smile and go for it.  As always, there is a potential for excess with Jupiter, and in Libra it could involve overspending on pretty and luxurious items.  Not only is the house from the ascendant where Jupiter will be transiting is important, but also look at the two houses that Jupiter will be trining. If there are any planets here, this is potent in terms of being lucky and rewarding. This will give cue as to what to expect.


Cardinal Energy: Six out of ten planets are in cardinal signs which is really about instigating and initiating new things.  So with the ample amount of cardinal energy available this month, it is generally a good time to finally act on those projects that you have been planning for a long time. This is the time for action and so be prepared for “ready, set, go”. 


Saturn Neptune square aspecting the Node:  This square has been active for a while, where our worldly wants have been tested against our spiritual needs and whether it is aligned to our heart and soul.  Now Saturn is moving away from Neptune, breaking the square, and hence freeing up to manifest, hopefully what we have found to be really relevant in our lives.  Saturn going forward along with the abundant cardinal energy provides ample opportunity to implement our plans.  Neptune has also been conjunct the South Node, revealing mass deceptions, like the 500 million Yahoo accounts that were hacked in 2014. Until the first week of October, Saturn will also be squaring the moon nodes, showing us the areas where we need to connect with ourselves before we can form healthy relation with others. The questions as always is how much can we trust somebody without doing our due diligent checking through our rationale process and then again doesn’t trust really come from the heart rather than just analysis? You may be put in a situation where you can get doubtful about a person and you may have to get in touch with your intuition to make a decision.   Do we or do we not go ahead with something that we feel is right for us even without any proof?


Venus conjunct Juno and trine Chiron from October 6th to 14th is about healing the wounds in intimate relationships.  This is a good time to open up and release any pain that has bothered you for a long time. Since it is a trine, if you don’t do it consciously, it will still be released without you knowing it. 


Mercury Moves closer to Jupiter in Libra by the 2nd week of October, making it great time to communicate in a positive manner and aided by a little push from Mars squaring from Capricorn.  Mars in Capricorn is a cardinal and goal oriented and so the communication is not trivial, even if it occurs in a social situation or party.  So plan on how you want to express something that is important and it may actually workout in your favor.  This energy will especially felt by those who have planets in the mid degrees of the cardinal signs.  This energy takes on a more intense tone in the latter half of October when Mars move to join Pluto, and Mercury moves away from Jupiter.  Now the expression can become more forceful and obsessive in order to get what one wants.  It can also lead to power struggles.


Mars Pluto conjunction in Capricorn from October 10th to 24th is a very intense energy that can lead to ego conflicts with others, especially if the conjunction is aspecting one of your personal planet.  Mars Pluto combos given out tremendous energy that can be applied to take on a challenging project and fortunately in steadfast Capricorn, you can see the project through its end.  It can be a power networking time when crucial matters are sorted and important deals are made. However, be careful how you tread since it is easy to tick off others during this period. Hence, whatever you do, use the charm and grace of Mercury and Sun in Libra.  Since Mars and Pluto are also at the midpoint of Jupiter/Uranus, and Sun/Jupiter, the force can actually end up bringing something unexpectedly lucky.   Mars and Pluto get exact on October 19th and this energy continues until the end of the month. 


In the last week of October, Mars makes a square to Uranus giving off sparks and fireworks, right in time for the Halloween.  This combustible energy needs to be channeled right and it may be a good time to stay in the background if you want to avoid accidents, and conflicts. At the same time, Mars moves off from Pluto and some of the intensity and conflicts may reduce. In addition, Venus moves closer to Saturn to establish stricter boundaries for a little while.  With Venus Saturn,  we often re-evaluate our relationships to see if they meet a certain standards and in the process, we may have to reiterate our rules and some of them sadly have to be just let go. 


All in all this is a month when there are opportunities to finally take action and manifest your dreams. There are times when it can get intense with power struggles, and relationships being tested, and this needs to be consciously balanced with the Libra energy to maintain harmony.


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