About Astromanda.com / Manda Selva : Manda Selva, C.A.,NCGR-PAA began studying astrology at a very early age from her maternal grandfather. She practices astrology and psychotherapy in the San Francisco Bay Area. Aided by her educational background in science, she is passionate about applying evidence based methods and in astrological research. She is currently the research director of NCGR. She does astrological consulting, writes for her blog (Astromanda.com), has presented in NCGR and ISAR, teaches locally and through webinars, and has been building a thriving astrological community through her facebook group.
Astrology Reading:
I see the chart as a tool to understand how energy flows in you – your Qi. This way we can discuss what can be done to balance and harmonize your energy. I don’t believe Astrology is fatalistic – it is more probabilistic, which is the chance that certain kind of event or experience could occur in your life. When you are struggling or lost, astrology readings be can be helpful in becoming more aware of what’s happening, and most of all when it can potentially end. I also use astrological midpoints which is a cutting edge technique and gives a more deeper insight into the birth chart.
A basic reading throws light on the following:
- What are the supportive and challenging energy in your natal chart and what you can do about it
- What is the main lesson plan and mission in your life
- Your gifts and talents that you may be taking for granted
- How events may unfold in the next few years and how you take advantage of
It is also good for getting clear direction on
- Career or vocational direction
- Relationship analysis or Synastry
- Relocation reading or Astrocartography
- General Direction in the next few years
- More light on certain experiences or struggles from past or recent years
- Get more help with understanding your child
I consult through skype, email, phone or in person. You can contact me at writetomanda@yahoo.com. You can either get a full reading or a short astrology reading. I mostly use tropical astrology but do use some Vedic concepts. I started out as a Vedic astrologer but then branched off to Western Astrology or Tropical Astrology. I use all techniques that work. If it doesn’t work based on my experience then its not going to be part of my toolbox.
Full Reading A full reading includes description of different dynamics involved in your chart, your strength, skills, challenges, solutions to overcome difficulty, and up to 1 to 2 years of prediction. This can not only increase you awareness of who you are but how you can plan your life.
Shorter reading usually focuses on specific issues you are experiencing currently. It could be a question on your relationship, your career, your health issues, a project you are about to begin, good dates for starting a business, wedding, etc.
You can write to me at WritetoManda@yahoo.com for consultation and the fees for reading.
Hello Manda. I found your website via your affiliation with the Kepler conference. Perhaps we can collaborate, as I’ve been researching areas you’ve been looking into as well?
P.S. Whereas patience is a blessed virtue, I’ve learned that sometimes it’s efficient to simply “cut to the chase” and allow others to understand the real “me” and allow them to dertimine if they need to work with me. So, in full disclosure, (in the sprint of love, light and clarity) my birth data: 8/10/67 @ 13:45 Longbeach, California.
Have a blessed day and week!